Plantain Chips - High in Fibre & Potassium | Vegan-Friendly | Gluten Free |

Plantain Chips - High in Fibre & Potassium | Vegan-Friendly | Gluten Free |

Gluten-Free, Cholesterol-Free, Vegan-Friendly, Free from artificial flavourings, colourings & preservatives, Nutriet-Rich with Vitamins A, C, B6 & Potassium

Plantains are a great option if you're looking for a healthy substitute for foods like potatoes or grains like rice or pasta.

What is a Plantain?

Plantains are a type of banana with a different flavour. Plantains are also starchier and lower in sugar than bananas. Like bananas, plantains are high in complex carbs, but most of the carbs come from starch, unlike bananas, which have more carbs from sugar.

What do plantain chips taste like?

Crispy and crunchy chip that can be sweet, salty, or spicy.

Are plantain chips healthy for you?

Plantain chips have more vitamin A and C than potatoes making them a healthier snack option. 

High in antioxidants

Plantains are packed with vitamin C which helps boost your immune system with effective anti-inflammatory effects.

Weight management

The fibre and starch found in plantain chips are complex carbs, which are less processed than simple carbs. Keeping you fuller and more satisfied after a meal, meaning less snacking on unhealthy foods.

Good for your heart

The high potassium content in plantains helps regulate your heartbeat and blood pressure.  The high fibre content helps lower cholesterol, which keeps your heart functioning.

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